Tucked away under my bed is a stack of books, torn, bent, and discoloured, but most importantly, read. Looking back through my collection of novels there is a theme of crime tales that seem to take priority and it's no secret that I love them. You see, a good crime novel or TV show, usually, doesn't have any cringe-worthy moments that make you question why you chose that film or book in the first place. They are simply enticing and full of the unexpected. Reading is one of the things I try and make time for every week. It ensures I take a break from electronics and expand my mind.
Nonetheless, when I wandered into my local store a few weeks ago, for a red bull and a packet of sugar, of course, I came across the 'Blind Date with a Book' shelf. You may have already heard of it but in case not, you are presented with an array of books wrapped in brown paper and on the ticket reads the first line of the first chapter.
When I came across Twisted, I assumed it would be a romantic book - different from my usual go-to genre. It read:
"It was the first dinner party Lena Fulford had agreed to attend since the separation from her husband."
I welcomed the change and eagerly gave my £2.50 to charity so I could get home and rip away the paper like a child on Christmas day.
Obviously, my hopes for exploring a new genre were lost but the disappointment was far from what I felt.
Without further or do, here is Twisted:

Twisted - Lynda LaPlante
Twisted takes you on a journey into the home of the successful businesswoman, Lena Fulford, as she navigates a new business, amicable divorce and her majestic home in the heart of Richmond. But, when her beloved daughter, Amy, goes missing... no one is safe from police or media scrutiny. Through LaPlante's eloquent writing you're guided through a variety of narratives to gain a deeper understanding of why Amy Fulford has gone missing and more important, who is responsible?
From the get-go, I struggled to put this book down, at every page turn there was something gripping you, new questions to answer and someone different in the limelight. I loved that this book took you through each character's perspective, positioning you as the detective to worm your way through lies and clues and piece together what could have happened. While the story was told with impeccable conviction, there were points where it became explicit and alarmingly disturbing. However, with such writings, your perception of the characters is pulled from one direction to another as new evidence comes to light. In all, this book had me hooked; there were genuine twists and turns that I didn't see coming.
Admittedly, throughout this whole book, I was gripped to each page in hopes of answers and peace of mind. But as the last sentence approached I felt a sinking feeling and I was left unfulfilled as if the final chapter had been left out.
Feeling an ounce of disappointment I pondered on what was left unfinished and I came to a revelation; the ending seemed to give the last character a sense of peace. Throughout all 500 pages, you experience their highs and lows - making their exhaustion evident. With this sudden ending, the character feels a sense of relief as they finally found peace and you gladly join them. A small part of me will always wonder what happened next, but I do highly recommend this read if you're a crime fanatic and looking for your next read.
Thank you for reading and please leave any book suggestions.
If you would like my copy of Twisted, please get in touch so it can go to a new home!
Stay kind,
Ellie x

Copyright © 2020 - Ellie-Louise Des Baux