2019 was a year full of turmoil, debate, and a hell of a lot of tension. From a December election to worldwide climate disasters, 2019 wasn't the decade end we may have had in mind. Although we are well into January now, I thought it would be good to touch on a few ways to excel in the next 11 months and start 2020 right. Amongst all the chaos of last year, we still have our lives to live and as humans, we have a tendency to hold onto unnecessary stress. While we will be covering important issues in this blog, this post will focus on how you can start 2020, this new decade, with an open mind and willingness to do what is right for you.
If you try any of these suggestions, let me know how it goes!
Say Goodbye to Resolutions
In the past, it has been a tradition to choose several resolutions to start off the new year. From financial planning, fitness goals, reading more, and learning to play an instrument. However, this idea of setting one (or many) goals creates an enormous amount of pressure on yourself to achieve. Pressure can be healthy when in small doses, but the difficulty with setting goals such as 'going to the gym more' or 'learning a new instrument' is that they are vague. [1] Research shows that one-quarter of people give up on their new goal after one week, with less than 1 in 10 people sticking to it till the end of the year.
The key to achieving your goals is to set small, realistic targets that you can track. For example, if you want to get physically fit, you might set yourself a target of going to the gym once a week. This may not seem like a big enough change for some people, but after a month or so, you can increase your target to twice a week, making it a habit. By setting tangible and realistic targets you ease yourself into the change. The beauty of setting small specific goals means you can adapt it over time, it becomes manageable, and it's kind to your body and mind.
Finally, to truly succeed in your goals this year, learn to forgive; if you don't achieve it this week, try again next week. By accepting that you didn't make it to the gym this week, it allows you to let go of those feelings of failure in order to focus on picking yourself back up and trying again.
Being Present
During the last half of 2019, I started to take yoga seriously and began to practice more frequently. Over the last month, in particular, I have learned the importance of being present, and always coming back to your breath; the foundation of the practice. In many ways, this ideology of returning to the breath can be applied to our daily lives. With rates of anxiety and mental health issues rising, it's important to focus on ways we can manage stress and achieve the goals we have set out for ourselves. It can be overwhelming thinking far into the future, and often it adds unnecessary pressure to our day.
Activity: If you catch yourself thinking negatively, or getting overwhelmed, try to bring your awareness back to the present moment. This can be done by focusing on your breathing, paying attention to what is around you, what noises you can hear, and what you can feel.
This simple task asks you to accept the momentary distract or thoughts, but always try to simply come back to the here and now.
Being Grateful
Practicing gratitude is another fantastic way to stay present. Many researchers dedicate their lives teaching others about the power of gratitude and its ability to fill your life with what you desire. If you're truly grateful for the health you have today and put that positive energy into the world, you will receive good health in abundance.
I personally connect to this idea of gratitude, but many people are skeptical. This is perfectly OK, but I ask you to consider this. By being grateful for what you have, you may develop a more open mindset and find the positive in any situation, rather than focusing on what you think you lack. Your perspective may change, showing you the beauty that is present in your life. Whether you believe in the 'power' of gratitude or not, it can at least change the way you view your situation.
Activity: Take 5-10 minutes to write down what you are grateful for and why. This can be your family or friends, your ability to do something, or even simply that you woke up today. Be creative, be specific, and be open to trying!
Here is an example of some things I am grateful for:
I am grateful for my lungs because they allow me to breathe and live another day.
I am blessed to have good health because I can live each day full of energy and perseverance.
I am grateful for my family because they surround me with love.
With all my heart I am grateful for my ability to write because I can share my knowledge, express my opinions, and help others.
Spending your Time and Energy Wisely
Before we bring this post to an end, I want to discuss the importance of time and energy, in particular, yours. How you spend your time and where you focus your energy will determine how your year goes. If your focus is to work on bringing more positivity into your life, but you are spending most of your time around people who put you down and fill your life with toxic notions, your goal may be unachievable.
Investing in quality relationships and activities is vital to staying mentally happier and feeling fulfilled. There is nothing more important than your time and energy, try your best to use it in ways that make you feel intrinsically good. I try to spend my time doing activities that challenge me, allow me to grow, and let me have a creative outlet. Whatever it is that you find valuable, try to include more of it, from yoga, reading a book or to social gatherings.
When it comes to your relationships they should work both ways, to benefit you and the other person involved. If a relationship is making you feel drained or tired, maybe it isn't right for your life, right now. Equally, someone might bring out a negative side in you that you don't want to associate with anymore. In my younger years, I found myself expressing negative thoughts and being harmful to others, just to fit in. If you find addressing these issues directly doesn't work or isn't an option for you, it may be time to consider evaluating who you spend your time with.
These few methods that we have discussed will help to open your mind this year and prepare you for a positive journey. You can use these as guidance to start 2020 right, but also to live a healthier, enriched life.
Thank you for joining me, and I wish you a fulfilling future.
Until next time,
Ellie x
What are your 2020 goals? Let me know in the comments below, or on my socials!

#Goalsetting #Manifesting #TimeManagement #Gratitude #Start2020 #Start2020Right #Wellness #2020Goals
Copyright © 2020 - Ellie-Louise Des Baux