So you've written a killer blog post, now what?
You promote your post everywhere but it doesn't seem to be gaining much traffic, or screentime. Your readers are clicking off as fast as they clicked on!
As a writer myself, I wish I could tell you that your words will do all the hard work for you, but the truth is; blog layout is just as important as the written content!
It's all down to a little something called UX, which stands for 'user experience'.
Optimizing your blog to provide a good user experience will make the post easier to digest for your readers. In turn, your audience is more likely to explore the rest of your site and discover all your incredible services and products!
How to Master the Blog Layout
Think about the last blog post you read. Be honest, did you read it all the way through, or did you scan the webpage for the key information? Chances are, you clicked on that post because it offered you information that you were looking for. If this is the case, you will want to save time by skipping the introduction and get to the nitty-gritty straight away!
Headings and subheaders are crucial for keeping your reader on the page and delivering the information quickly.
Did you know 43% of people skim-read blog posts!
If your reader is scanning your post they will see the headings first, so make sure they are relevant, in larger font size, and engage your reader.
Imagine if you landed on this blog post and skipped to my first heading, 'How to master the blog layout', only to be met with information on how to market your blog. It may be interesting but it's not relevant to what this post is about! Consequently, you would click off this post, thus making the bounce rate increase!
Bounce rate - percentage of people who visit a webpage and leave before broswing other pages on that site.
Top tip: Headings are an ideal SEO tool! Put your keyword in your 'heading two' (h2) so when Google checks your page for relevance they will rank your site higher on search engines.
Example: Here my keyword is 'blog layout', so I have included it in Heading 1 (H1) and Heading 2 (H2).

Including photos throughout your blog post will break up the content and give your reader's eyes a break from reading! Did you know 65% of people are visual learners? That's over half!
Imagery is a great opportunity to convey your message; you could use relatable photography or even infographics. What's more your images can be pinned to Pinterest, thus increasing your traffic to your site.
Top tip: Relevant photos are key!
Bullet Points
Incorporating bullet points into your blog is a fun way to get your point across. They are clear, concise and easy to read! By having a range of elements on your page, it makes for a more interesting experience.

White Space
If you take anything away from this post, let it be this! White space is underrated and highly effective.
If you land on a page with one big block of text, it can be very daunting to read. I am instantly put off by a post that has too many long paragraphs, and no breaks. There is a time and place for long paragraphs, however, a blog post usually isn't one of them because it'll feel like reading an essay.
This is a mistake I used to make in my early days of blogging and have since learnt better!
Top Tip: Split your content into manageable sections!
With the invention of website builders, such as WIX and Wordpress, creating an effective blog layout is made easier. They often leave either side of your blog page blank for this reason!
From the font, writing style, and brand colours, consistency is key! You want your readers to know what to expect when they land on your blog.
Consistent content will make your blog appear more professional and will be easier to read, therefore converting your readers!
Top three takeaways!
Avoid big blocks of text
Relevant headings
Did you learn something new in this post? Let's chat in the comments!
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Don't miss out! I am currently available to take on new clients, so if you're interested in a blog for your business, get in touch today!